I have purchased a new Computer. How can I install HomeManage on the new computer and retain all my data and images?
In all cases you should install the program on the new machine.
Do not simply copy all the program files over. The setup program
must be run.
Activate the program on the new computer with the same activation code that was used on the old computer.
Method 1: Internet Backup and Restore
This method will only work if both the old & new computer have the same version of HomeManage installed.
HomeManage should be activated on both computers with the same activation code.
1) On your older computer, run HomeManage and do an Internet backup (
File > Backup to Internet..) from the main menu.

2) Switch to your new computer, run HomeManage and do an Internet restore (
File > Restore from Internet Backup..) from the main menu.

3) EXIT HomeManage and then run the program again. Your data & images should now appear.
Method 2: Local Backup and Restore
a) Do a backup (
File > Backup Database..)
b) In the Backup
Save As you can change the name of the backup file or accept the default name
c) then select (
File > Manage Backup Files from the main menu.
d) Take the most recent Zip file and transfer it to your new machine. You can do this by copying the ZIP file to a USB or external drive..or perhaps copying it to a shared
folder on your network that the new machine has access to.
e) Install and run HomeManage on your new machine.
f) Select (File > Restore..) from the main menu.
g) Select the ZIP file you backed up in the previous step and press the OPEN button.